Sit-up training

Subject: Sit-up training 9 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 2 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Spinal twists

Subject: Spinal twists 19 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 4 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Sled push and drag set

Subject: Sled push and drag set 19 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 4 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Barrel Incline Press

Subject: Barrel Incline Press 19 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 4 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Resistance band bench

Subject: Resistance band bench 19 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 4 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Calm water tubing trip

Subject: Calm water tubing trip 19 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 4 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Ad target audience

Subject: Ad target audience 9 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 2 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Straddle hold

Subject: Straddle hold 19 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 4 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Elbow lever mastery

Subject: Elbow lever mastery 19 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 4 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Zumba dance

Subject: Zumba dance 19 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 4 minutes to complete all the questions.

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Hike leader

Subject: Hike leader 14 general knowledge quiz questions. It should take around 3 minutes to complete all the questions.

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