Business Listings

Get verified business data from Google Maps, including contact details, locations, and more to fuel your outreach efforts.

AI-Generated Content Solutions

Get large volumes of intelligently crafted texts, ready to enhance your blogs, marketing, and creative work.


No need to manually search for data. All the information is pre-organized and ready to use.

Popular topics

Find the right data from our FileHub

Google Maps

Get an organized Excel spreadsheet featuring a comprehensive list of businesses from Google Maps for any city of your choice. Each row contains detailed information, including business names, addresses, contact details, phone numbers, ratings, and more — filtered by the keyword "Shop." The dataset includes thousands of rows, making it perfect for market research, lead generation, and business development. Upon purchase, you will receive the Excel file with all the data compiled and sorted by the keyword "Shop" for the specified city.

Large volumes of intelligently crafted texts

Save time and get organized files with pre-generated responses from Chat GPT. Each set contains detailed and informative answers, covering a wide range of topics. No need to input queries or wait for responses — everything is compiled and ready for use. Perfect for research, content creation, and learning. Upon purchase, you'll receive a bundle of response files, saving you hours of work and providing instant access to valuable insights.

High-Quality Data

Collected from Google Maps, Chat GPT, and others to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Comprehensive Coverage

Get access to thousands of records, including business names, addresses, and other.

Ready-to-Use Format

Provided in Excel format, making it easy to filter, analyze, and integrate into your projects.


Access an extensive overview of thousands of data providers to gain a comprehensive understanding of available options.

Chat GPT Content

Each file contains a specific question and answer, covering a vast array of subjects.


Receive expert sourcing advice from our team of data acquisition specialists, ensuring you find the best data solutions for your business needs.